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March 15, 2012
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Home » Benefits and Dues

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You can belong to CROA either as an individual general or practitioner member or through your organization's membership, described below.  Your membership type dictates what benefits you are eligible to receive as shown.  The leadership of the CROA, including the governing board, will be drawn from the practicing membership and vetted by a nominating committee.

Individual Member (Dues Vary):

  • General Member ($100 Annual Dues):  Individuals who aspire to improve corporate responsibility, are interested in learning more about best practices and the state of the practice, and want to build a professional network in this area, but do not hold responsibility for this function in an organization. Can include MBA candidates, non-profit professionals in related fields, or those working within different areas of a company that are interested in moving into CR. 
  • Practicing Member ($500 Annual Dues):  Individuals that hold positions in organizations where corporate responsibility is at least a part of their role, who are looking to improve their effectiveness as CR practitioners.  Can include individuals from companies, non-profits, or academic institutions with a focus in this area.
  • Government Member (No Fee):  CROA individual membership is open to any full-time government employee at the federal, state or local level involved in corporate responsibility issues.  There is no fee for government employees to join CROA and they receive the same benefits as Practicing Members.

Organization Member (Dues Vary): 
Organizations that want to be associated with improving the effectiveness of corporate responsibility and provide their CR practitioners with membership in this organization to improve their effectiveness.  The types of organizational membership include:

  • Corporate Member ($1,000 Annual Dues): An organization that supports the mission of the CROA and has up to three CR practitioners participating.
  • Small and Midsize Enterprise (SME) Member Sponsor ($2,500 Annual Dues):  An organization with less than $100 million in annual revenue or 500 employees that supports the mission of the CROA and receives leadership opportunities and basic branding with up to 5 CR practitioners participating.  
  • Silver Member Sponsor ($5,000 Annual Dues):  An organization that supports the mission of the CROA and receives leadership opportunities and basic branding  with up to 5 CR practitioners participating.
  • Gold Member Sponsor ($10,000 Annual Dues):  An organization that supports the mission of the CROA and receives leadership opportunities and prominent branding through sponsoring specific CROA programs and has up to 10 CR practitioners participating.
  • Platinum Member Sponsor ($20,000 Annual Dues):  An organization that supports the mission of the CROA and receives leadership opportunities and premium branding through sponsoring unlimited CROA programs and has up to 15 CR practitioners participating.

Member Sponsors can select to support CROA programs in the areas of Professional Development, Research, Public Policy, ResponsibilityWorks, Thought Leadership, and Ratings & Rankings Methodology.

To learn more about Organization Member Sponsor Options, please click here.

To join CROA now, please click here.

Member Benefits:


To join CROA now, please click here.

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