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COMMIT to selling more, saving more, growing more
Submitted by kgilliam on Tue, 2011-09-06 15:33.How can corporate responsibility help you sell more stuff, save more money, and grow your business? Come find out at the COMMIT!Forum on Sept 26-27 in NYC when you hear:
- How UPS uses sustainability reporting to sell more & save more.
- How HIP Investor, TIAA-CREF, & KKR deliver shareholder returns.
- How Corporate Voices for Working Families builds a more competitive workforce.
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American Tribalism?
Submitted by kgilliam on Fri, 2011-08-12 19:22.
Will “tribal” loyalties tear American society apart?
An empire at its peak brought low by mounting debt, a government beset by in-fighting, business and bureaucratic elites conspiring to line their own pockets, and emerging countries that eventually surpass and overwhelm it.
A prediction about America? Possibly. But this little vignette actually comes from Frances Fukuyama’s description of the fall of the Ottoman Empire. The Janissaries, the bureaucratic class that controlled many of the levers of imperial power, organized themselves into the equivalent of political parties, fighting each other over the spoils of empire, even as it became increasingly clear that the imperial economy was collapsing under its own weight and that the rising powers on its borders had out-innovated it and would soon overtake it. The parallels to our modern crisis leap off the page.
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Get Real: The Facts on What Works in Corporate Responsibility
Submitted by kgilliam on Wed, 2011-04-13 12:41.This year I jumped on the Corporate Responsibility cocktail circuit. I've attended literally a dozen events this year already and at every one, I eventually end up in the same conversation: cornered by a pundit opining on what companies should do.
Don't get me wrong. Many of these people not only have good intentions, they often have very good ideas. But here's what they don't have: responsibility. They're not in the chair with the actual responsibility for delivering on these programs. I used to be a consultant -- and I'm married to one -- so I know that consultants can offer a lot. But I also know, that companies can learn a lot from each other.
That's why, in cooperation with NYSE Euronext, we started the CR Best Practices Survey last year and why we continue it this year. Last year we had a terrific response rate, with over 650 companies responding. We want to beat that this year and produce the most comprehensive survey of actual successful practices; what's really working in live operations at real companies.